Good news everyone!! We have Canadian Passports again! After a stressful 3 weeks or so, we obtained our new Canadian passports. For those who don't know, we filled up our old passports and didn't have room for any new visas. So we applied for new ones.
It has been quite a trial going through this in India. When we first went into the Canadian Embassy here in Delhi, we were told 'no worries about getting your new passport before you leave...sure it says on this sign here that it takes 15 days to process but we are 99.9% sure you'll have them back in 10 working days'. Well, 10 working days later we arrived at the embassy to hear 'oh, your passports are in the air flying from Paris to Delhi...we are 99.9% sure they will PROBABLY be here on Friday...but maybe you should look into changing your flight on Sunday'. I didn't want to remind the lady that she was 99.9% sure we'd get them on Wednesday. Pissing this lady off didn't seem like a good idea since she controlled whether or not we could leave the country this weekend. This morning, Friday the 18th (12 working days later), we got our new passports!! Thank goodness!
While we didn't have a passport we almost got kicked out of several guesthouses. The Indians are very firm about seeing your passports on arrival to the hotel. Even with all of our photocopies it was hard to convince them we weren't some sort of con-artist or terrorist. For the last hotel, we had to have the Canadian Embassy call the guesthouse man.
Anyway, long story short....we have our passports and we can leave peacefully to Thailand!!
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