Back again and eager to give this capital city another chance we arrived high from a great time in Siem Reap. This time we were able to get into the guesthouse we had reservations at and have discovered a great new corner of town. Making the "Top Banana" guesthouse home for 5 days, we got to explore the city and enjoy some luxuries that we haven't had since leaving home: real baguettes, stinky cheese, cheap wine and salads that can be trusted.

Unfortunately for Phnom Pehn the major attractions bring to life the tragic history of this beautiful country. Visiting the S-21 museum and the killing fields are a must see while in Cambodia if not only to see the horrorfic history but more importantly realise how far this country has come from those days. There has been very few places that we have travelled since leaving last year where every single person you smile at returns an even bigger smile.

A great city and a great country.
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